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Felix Wong

Felix Wong GAICD is a a Non-Executive Director and Corporate Advisor with Global Experience in Joint Ventures, Acquisitions, and Organisational Transformation.
Felix has enjoyed a 2​6 year career in international business, working with several leading American & Asian multinational conglomerates.  A graduate of Duke University's Fuqua School of Business, his business career has taken him to over 20 countries across North America, Asia, Europe, and Australasia.
After living in various parts of the world, Felix and his wife migrated to Melbourne in 2001.  His Australian experience includes being appointed as a CEO of an ASX-listed food company, ​as a Non-Executive Director of several public and private companies, ​and ​also ​concluding several joint ventures involving overseas and Australian businesses.
His area of specialty is in Joint Ventures, Business Development and Marketing, and his industry experience spans various sectors including food & agribusiness, chemicals & pharmaceuticals, commercial building products, and consumer goods.
Felix ​currently serves on the State Council of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and is the Immediate Past President of the Chinese Professional and Business Association.  Felix is also a director of Echo3 Media, a boutique graphic design and web development agency, specialising in custom print and web marketing solutions.
Felix also serves as an Asian Literacy Ambassador, a federal government initiative to develop the human capital necessary to strengthen Australia's linkages with Asia.  In this role, he is able to share his knowledge and experience of working in cross-border and cross-cultural business environments, including working with cross-cultural Boards.