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Annual General Meeting and New Board 2024

AMBC Victoria held its AGM on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 at the offices of Moray & Agnew Lawyers.

The AGM was followed by drinks and canapes allowing members and guests the opportunity to network and meet the Board.

The 2024/2025 Board members are:

Nathanael Kitingan – President
Josh Chye – Vice President
Trevor Haines – Treasurer/Secretary
Ken Ong OAM - Executive Board member
Shok Kuan Ho – Executive Board member
Steven Leong – Executive Board member
David Klingberg – Executive Board member
Nicole Yip - Executive Board member
Francis Goh - Executive Board member
Tiruselvi Krishnan-Kelly - Executive Board member

Congratulations to our new Executive Board members, Tiruselvi Krishnan-Kelly and Francis Goh who were elected at the AGM.

To view the President's Report 2023/2024 which was circulated at the AGM, please click on the link.

To join AMBC Victoria, click here.