
Upcoming Events

Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS 2024)

On behalf of MATRADE Melbourne, we are pleased to extend an invitation to you to participate as an Exhibitor in the 20th Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS 2024), at Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 17 - 20 September 2024.

Since its inception in 2004, MIHAS has become an event for local and foreign businesses to thrive in the Halal trade and to contribute significantly to the global Halal economy. MIHAS is a robust marketplace for both international and local players to seize opportunities beyond Halal food including Halal pharmaceutical, medical devices, finance, modest fashion, personal care and cosmetics, green technologies and even Muslim-friendly tourism. The 20th MIHAS will place special emphasis on the agenda of helping local and international players look to innovation and sustainable initiatives to spearhead steady growth for the Halal economy.

Themed “Globalising Halal Innovations”, MIHAS 2024 will be a leading platform for showcasing innovative Halal products, services, and technologies through 14 curated clusters:

·       Food and Beverages;
·       Modest Fashion & Lifestyle;
·       E-commerce;
·       Education;
·       Retail & Franchise;
·       Food Technology & Packaging;
·       Pharmaceuticals & Medicals;
·       Halal Ingredients;
·       Media & Recreation;
·       Islamic Finance & Fintech;
·       Cosmetics & Personal Care;
·       Muslim-Friendly Hospitality & Tourism;
·       Services & Enablers; and
·       Islamic Arts & Crafts.

Please see documents attached to the links:

For additional information, please log on to or contact MATRADE Melbourne at 03 9832 8600.